Sunday, November 29, 2009


©Justice Delayed;Justice Denied.
Author: H. M. Tahir Khan
Copyrights 2009©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
Let us define the word ‘Justice’ its meaning, different types, understanding, implementation of Justice, its social, moral, religious aspects/obligation, need, compulsion for the existence & survival of our society.
Fairness: fairness or reasonableness, especially in the way, people are treated or decisions are made
Law application: the legal system or the act of applying or upholding the law
Law Validity: validity in Law
Good reason: sound or good reason
Judge: a Judge, especially of a High Court
Bring somebody to Justice: to arrest somebody & to be tried in a court of law
Do Justice to somebody or something: to deal with somebody or something to convey the true qualities, especially the merit, of somebody or something
Do yourself Justice: to display your own abilities fully or perform to your full potential (often used in the negative).
In other words, Justice should be for all, irrespective of the caste/creed, social status, socio economic conditions, etc; & it should be provided in time, when asked or needed by somebody, as earlier as possible. It is a

legal right of an individual, given to him / her by the law, religion & society, which one should get at one’s doorstep without discrimination & delay.
Do our Government has any institute of doing Research-work for monitoring the crime, the criminal behaviour, taking solid steps & making sincere efforts for the prevention of the crime ? or
Taking any measures for the ‘relief & remedy of the victims’of the crime?

The answer is ‘No’. So, Who is responsible? Who will do it for us? Should we wait for the good days to come on its own, or still we dream & wait for the miracles to happen!
We are the Promoters of the crime. We have established organizations &Institutions for development of the crime. We motivate, encourage &even reward for this cause. We are determined to develop the falsely accused victims into the criminals.


We have a system of a vicious circle of the Police, the courts, & the Prison. All of them are assigned the responsibility to work in the best mutual interest, under the technical guidance & expert supervision of the bureaucracy as well as establishment, for the ‘organized promotion of the crime’.

 Organized crime development & promotion,

 Humiliation & Exploitation of the falsely accused victims,

 Making hobby of the continued torture of the victims,

 Ruining their families in different ways,

 Develop them ‘ unacceptable by the society’ for ever,

 Develop perfect criminals from these falsely accused victims,

 Otherwise crush them in the above mentioned vicious cycle to death or permanent disability.

So, we can rightly say that our system is responsible for the “Justice- Delay”. Isn’t it a “Justice Deny?”
A food for thought for our policy-makers!
(I came across a large number of such cases in the courts, which I have written & will produce here in near future as solid-proofs of the above mentioned facts. I am an eye witness of such true stories…The Author)

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